Thursday Thought Ed 39 - Team Fantastic!

8:54 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

NWPT’s annual Six-week Makeover Challenge kicks off at the end of this month. Team Fantastic is gonna be tops! Angela and I are going to give the group a special feel by focusing on the 'challenges' of each member. What do you want to achieve over the next six weeks? Continued weight loss, less sugar cravings, going out to dinner less often or making better choices when you do, really getting into the exercise routine? Whatever. We've got your back.

Here are some ideas of what your challenge could look like...

Begin by imagining your best life. Get a vision. You can start developing an action plan to get there by asking a few questions. Let's do this is the context of our 6-week Makeover challenge. Determine your destination and then make a map.


Team Fantastic Member #1

1. In the next six weeks I hope to....(long tem goal) Lose 10 lbs and create more muscle tone in my legs.

2. To make this happen I will...(short term goal) Up my workout intensity by adding intervals to my cardio session 2x/week, plan my meals ahead of time and bring lunch to work.

3. If I really want this I'd better NOT...(things to avoid) Eat my kids leftovers because I feel guilty throwing food out. Stay up too late watching TV and mindlessly munching after dinner.


Team Fantastic Member #2

1. I want to...Learn how to make healthy meals at home and stop eating out all the time.

2. So I will...Start will simple recipes and make enough to have leftovers for lunch. (We can help you do this too!)

3. And I won't...Forget to pack snacks so I can avoid hitting the food carts with my co-workers.

Now what?

More PLANNING! Planning is KEY. And we are going to help you do it right! Each week we will come up with YOUR own plan - what to you need to do to reach the goals above. We will add to each week only if the previous habit has been established. You will succeed. And THEN you will move on. You’ll follow your own map. Depending on your particular 'level' we will figure out the best tactic for you to make improvements in your workouts, nutrition and lifestyle that will really help you reach your specific goals.

Do you need to learn more about healthy food? What is a good carbohydrate? How much is a portion of lean protein?

Are you doing a lot of things right but need help with planning, timing meals, increasing the amount of protein in your diet?

Ask yourself what you know and what you don’t know. Be honest.

Team Fantastic Member #1

Week 1 Habits:

Exercise: Add 2 - 20 min interval workouts. Ask me or Angela to help you figure out a super fun and effective routine.

Nutrition: Be sure to get 6 serving of fruits and veggies every day.

Lifestyle: Go to bed at the same time every night.

Got it? Good! And then....

Week 2 Habits...

This week things will build on what you've already accomplished. Each week will push you to make important changes and STICK to it.

This is just an example. Your goals may be bigger or smaller. In which case, your week challenges will be bigger or smaller. Every body’s challenge will be different. We don't care how much weight you want to lose, or what your end goal is -- but we DO care that you get there. That's what we are here for!

Will it be hard? Maybe? Will it work? If you do it. Will it be fun? Of course! Well, we'll do our best to make sure. And of course, there are prizes :)

Let me know how we can help!!!

With love and respect,

Coach Remy