Thursday Thoughts Ed. 55 - Team it up!
It was a beautiful day in
Portland, Oregon. My wish is that all of you enjoyed it too. Yesterday I walked to work instead of
driving or riding my bike. Slowing down made a world of difference in how I
felt by the time I arrived. The
stroll home was even more incredible because I had time to look around and
notice the sweet purple buds on the trees lining my street and inhale the crisp
leafy scents. If you haven’t taken time for a walk lately, I highly recommend
it. Sometimes we just get too busy to slow down and that’s most likely when we
need to the most.
This morning’s 9:30am Team Training was a seriously tough
workout. Dear Ladies, You Rocked It!
Team trainings are the best way to get a kick butt workout with your
buddies (or make some new ones). And a killer deal too – just $250 for 10
1-hour long sessions with a personal trainer. That’s 25 buck a pop! The hour
just flies by and you leave feeling fantastic! Pumped up and smiling. Doesn’t
get much better then that!
Every week I offer Team Training on Wednesday’s from
10am-11am, Thursday’s from 9:30am – 10:30am and Friday’s from 8am-9am. Come to
one, come to all! Each session is designed to strengthen and shape your
muscles, burn calories and fat, and get the feel-good exercise energy flowing. I am also happy to tailor the session to
the needs and wants of the group. Want to rock out on the spin bikes and get
super sweaty? O.K! Want to lift big heavy weights and push the sled around?
Sure! Need to stretch and relax and leave feeling refreshed? We can do that
Check out a session next week and experience the
awesomeness. I bet you’ll want to come every weekJ
With no more than four women per group you are guaranteed to get special
attention – whether you like it or not, I’m watching.