Morning musing - Doubt makes you dumb.

9:30 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

A moment of doubt. It waited until late at night to creep in the open window.

The days are getting crossed off the calendar - only 9 remain until we pack up the car and drive to Utah. I have spent this (fabulously fun) summer training for triathlon and playing with friends. Coach Ann and I made a plan together the first day of May. When we sat down to figure out how to get to "the next level" the plan looked a lot like this... Train better. Train smarter. Train with a plan. Train with a goal. Novel idea!!! Goals were these...1) Win Blue Lake Sprint 2) Win Deschetues Dash 3) Race first XTERRA 4) See if XTERRA is the sport for me 5) If answer to #4 is YES - Go for Championships 6) Want more? Qualify to race as Elite next year and win some cash.

The last few seasons I've been making it up as I go along. And it works. I did pretty darn well on my own. Twenty other newbie athletes came along with me and finished their first triathlons too!
I decided not to coach this season so I could be coached. (I'll be better for it team and you will you!)

It's been good. The plan is working. Personal best duathlon finish.  Podium finishes for both sprints and my first two XTERRA races. Yeah, I'd say it's working.

And now. It's the end of the season. I'm going to Utah to race the XTERRA USA National Championship.

I guess I'm ready. There it is! See the glimmer of doubt!!! Oh, no. Not now. I told myself I wouldn't let this happen. A little fire in the belly is good, butterflies make you work, but self-doubt makes you forget to buckle your helmet to ride your bike or forget to take it of to run! Doubt makes you dumb.

What happened? You know what, I'm not going to get into that right now. Instead I'm going to slam another cup of coffee, put on my sneakers and run.