I dare you.

4:39 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 1 Comments

Do it.

Warm up with some dynamic stretching and cardio for 15 minutes. Jog in place. Walking lunges. Toe touches. Over the fence. High knees.

Give yourself 35 minutes.
Can you get through the whole workout? Once? Twice? How far can you get?

100 Air Squats - get low, keep perfect form
90 Push Presses - use light weights, bend at knees and press weights over head
80 Russian Twists - side to side is one rep
70 Lunges - yes, thats each side, have fun
60 Push - Ups - on your knees is fine
50 Core Leg Lifts - On your back lower straight legs until just above the ground, lift back up toes pointing to ceiling
40 Burpees - get all the way to the ground and hop up
30 Supermans - Use those back muscles
20 Side Plank Stars - Get in side plank, lift and lower top leg for one rep
10 Tuck Jumps - Knees up!

Take a water break and start again!


1 comment:

  1. Been there, done that. The Russian twists and lunges were reversed. Made it through the pushups a second time I'm just starting to feel less pain in my rear end after nearly a week! Awesome workout.
