Thursday Thoughts Ed. 61 - Just for Fun
Whether you
set down resolutions in November like I do, or tally up your accomplishments at
the end of the year like my friend M.H, the close of December is a perfect time
to review what you did right in the last 12 months. Don't stew of screw-ups,
you can deal with that stuff later. End the year on a high note by celebrating
your triumphs. Study after study shows that positive thinking plays a
significant role reaching personal goals, including, weight loss efforts. What
better way to kick start your New Year’s resolutions than by taking a look back
with optimism?
How did you
treat yourself better this year? (I've given myself permission to see an
Acupuncturist every couple of weeks. Normally I'd think even the small cost was
too much for something that feels so indulgent. This year I realized how
much the sessions have improved my everyday well being. We are all better for
it! Right on!)
How did you
treat others better? (Taking time to catch my breath and calm my thoughts
before reacting in an intense conversation has helped me keep cool and leave
the unhelpful, harsh words out of the dialogue.)
What new
beginnings and resolutions did you see and set during the year? (From new jobs,
deepening friendships, the women's successes in this year's Healthy Habits
class, 2012 saw the start of lots of great things.)
trouble answering the questions yourself? Maybe a little game of
"madlibs" will inspire you!
this....Fill in the blank from SELF one of my favorite inspirational magazines:-)
In 2012, I
finally chucked my ____________(embarrassing closet lurker or nasty item in the
basement). I'll never tell you how long I had it.
The most
delicious thing I ate in 2012 was___________(memorable meal).
Last year,
_________ name of buddy/wife/boyfriend/mom was my biggest fan. Thank
Because I
rocked ___________ (cool thing you did), in 2013 I will reward myself
by____________(special indulgence).
Too bad the
song _________ (your personal "Gangnam style") can't start playing
when I walk into a room.
The nicest
thing someone said to me last year was__________ (great compliment).
I was scared
when I ___________ (feat of strength or bravery). But I did it anyway,
and I felt so _____________ (big emotion). Next, I want to _____________
(badass activity).
This year: I
will reserve mroe time for ____________ (feel good priority) and less time
for___________(lame waste of time). Gotta get myself in gear. Here
I go!
P.S. Our
SUPER SALE lasts until the end of the year, only a few more days (crazy!) don't
forget to reup your supply of personal training sessions, individual nutrition
coaching sessions and massage. Treat yourself to a healthy new year.
And we've
got a special for all your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers who've
heard you raving about your "awesome gym"...
For the last
5 days of the month we will offer Zero to Join and an Awesome Free Pedometer
that tracks daily steps, logs total steps for the week and a calorie chart for
ease of calculating calories burned within those steps and an NWPT Water
Don't forget
to tell them all the cool stuff they get:-)
December 31st and we close at 1:30pm so get them in today!!!! We will help them
with their goals to change their life forever 2013!!!