Thursday Thoughts Ed. 58 - November Resolutions

5:40 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I've been making resolutions in November for the past few years.  I don't like January to come around with the feeling that I'm somehow behind, or that I have to make up for the past.  I prefer to set the ball rolling ahead of time so January feels like the next step along the road to reaching my goals.

As a fitness professional and weight loss coach many of the goals and resolutions my friends and clients set revolve around weight loss, breaking bad habits and sticking to their exercise routine.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this -- in fact, I've got a few ideas to help make these resolutions a reality. I also think it's important to take a look at what you hope for the future and ask if those few pounds that you keep gaining and losing really need to be at the top of your to-do list (again). Can you let go of the battle to do more? We often go around and around and around beating ourselves up over the same tedious and monotonous tasks.

This year, consider setting healthy goals that give you back the strength and power you deserve.  Let the quest for the perfect numbers, pant size, weight on the scale, fall away with 2012. This new year can still be about the quest for a happier, healthier, fitter you (otherwise I'd be out of a job!) but without the negative, self-critical approach.

Let's put it in the positive!

Consider starting NOW. We have still got several weeks left until ringing in 2013.

If you have joined our Holiday 31 Day Challenge - you are already on your way. If not, here you go!

Grab your calendar, a pen or pencil, or fancy phone and maybe some glittery gold stickers for pizzazz. Every day you achieve something on your list give yourself a big star. At the end of each week tally up your stars. Take a look January 1st and see how much you accomplished.  Let this energy propel you into the new year with confidence and momentum.  If you find that you've set yourself some difficult or lofty goals, modify them to something more bite-sized, don't be discouraged or give up. Send me an email. Tell me what you want for yourself, your family, your future and I'll help you write a plan to get there.

Some great uplifting feel good daily to-do's you might try...

Workout for 20 minutes a day or 100 minutes per week.
Start each day with a big glass of water.  finish 6-8 glasses by the end of each day.
Get in bed before it's too late:-) Aim for 7-9 hours a night.
Take a group fitness class you have tried before.
Eat a fruit or veggie with every meal or snack.
Say something complimentary to yourself and someone else every day.
Trade your evening snack-fest for a brisk walk around the block.
Spend five minutes of quiet time focusing on relaxing and calm, deep breathing.

Hope to see you all on Saturday night!

Show off those legs it's PARTY TIME!