Plan to be less stressed

9:22 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

A cool and comforting Spring breeze blows while I get myself ready for bed.  Curling up early tonight to wake ready and rested for my first official day training at Northwest Women's Fitness. Getting plenty of sleep is critical for me to fully function, make good decisions and do it with a smile:) I am actually looking forward to exploring the early morning - a part of the day I rarely see - and still have time in the afternoon and evening.  Whatever will I accomplish?! What an exciting way to start the Summer!

Happily, I met my healthy goals for the day.  Amped up my cardio with a hour of sweaty spinning this morning, worked out with a client this afternoon and eeked out a 5 mile jog before dinner.  I sometimes find it hard to return to good eating habits after a holiday weekend away (especially with the left-over cookies in the cupboard)  Planning  is definitely key.  I grilled a chicken breast last night and split it in two - one half made a great lunch wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with salsa and spinach.  The other topped my dinner salad, with feta, spicy almonds, strawberry slices and balsamic dressing, Yum!  And so easy. 

I've got a plan for tomorrow and just knowing that helps me keep organized and focused on all the other things I've got to do.  Funny but true, sometimes a little planning makes going with flow that much easier!