
8:52 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Balance. The word comes up a lot these days. There is much importance in having it - it seems. Work/Life balance. Body in balance. What I'm starting to realize is that balance, or being balanced isn't actually a place or state we ever truly reach.  If something were to be in complete balance it wouldn't be moving.  What's the fun in that?! Balance is something, instead, that we constantly strieve for.  A little more on this side, a little less on this side.  Gently or drastically shifting the weights in our lives to steady the flux.  This feels good. And then a gigantic rock drops on one side!  We gather our strength and we move things around to come back to "home".  A strong core, or center of the body, torso and abdomen allow the entire body to remain upright and solid while being tossed this way and that.  We train clients to strengthen this part of the body first in order to maintain good posture and keep the whole body working most efficiently and effectively.  It is critical.  In our daily lives seeking balance is also a must-do.  I spent this first week of work deeply involved in the task at hand: customer service, gaining clients, writing, reading and focused on success.  This weekend came and I felt ready and willing to put the day planner and to-do list aside.  Knowing I had done all I could do and done it as best as I could let me put away the running shoes and slide into flip-flops and bask in the summer sun.