The Sundays...

9:06 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I firmly believe the Sunday slumps can be avoided with any sort of adventure! This weekend our friends invited us out to beautiful spot by the Salmon River to spend the day climbing and swimming. It's been years since I've strapped on a climbing harness and attempted any challenging rock problems. Andrew has some gear but I had to rent shoes - so tiny my toes still ache! But those tight shoes sure help you cram yourself into even tighter cracks. By the time we arrived the morning shade has slipped off the slab leaving the face exposed to the bright summer sun. We all sprayed on sunscreen in sloppy streaks trying not to get it on our hands and goo up the ropes. I ascended 3 times and each one felt more difficult than the last -not out of shape but certainly out of practice. The strenuous shimmying had me sweating but it was belaying my husband that cause the beads to run down my face. I didn't want to drop him!! He put out a solid climb and made it down to me smiling. All high-fives and hugs before we plunged into the chilly river and cool our dusty skin. I can't wait to do it again. What will we do next Sunday?!