Goals produce results!

7:51 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

After completing my first triathlon a couple weeks ago I am ready to set myself some new goals. It is important to keep challenging ourselves and pushing our limits - or at least stave off boredom! Is the treadmill getting old? Are you running the same route everyday? What about your exercise program excites you to keep it up? Goal setting is a very personal thing - but some tactics for defining them and achieving them can be learned. Your goals will depend on where you are on your individual journey. Are you aiming for weight-loss, improved cardio-ability, lower blood pressure, completing a marathon, keeping up with the kids? Whatever it is be very clear about it. Write it down. Write a few down, some small, some grand. Goals inspire and motivate us. Goals help us create our lives instead of just letting it happen to us. Manifest the best! The good feeling and confidence that come from a steady stream of progress are great motivators. Setting and reaching a string of goals, no matter how small, is a regular dose of satisfaction that may one day bloom into pure inspiration.