Time Management

8:56 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

A day of scattered thoughts! - sitting, standing, hungry, thirsty, tired and ready-to-go. Slowly bouncing through my day, I never felt entirely grounded. What does "grounded" even mean? Rooted? Solid? Firmly footed on this planet? Today I felt like a helium balloon oozing it's air - touching gently down and up again a little sideways. When the rains came mid-afternoon I felt truly grateful - a sign of which direction I should go: directly to the couch. Finally deciding to make some dinner, not just graze the kitchen cupboards, I took an uneasy glance at my to-do list. I had checked everything off! Somehow I managed to wanderr my way through the day with enough brief focus to actually get things done. My list was short, specific and do-able. And I am glad. Today was not the kind of day to tackle the 5 year plans like a mortgage or a trip to Iceland. But every little thing I did, every gold star I earned, puts me on my way. Do what you can everyday. Don't worry when it seems like just a little - take comfort, relax, listen to the rain. Set small goals everyday and every week and smile at yourself when you complete them. You are gaining the skills and confidence and momentum to tackle those big ones.