Fall into Fitness

9:21 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I absolutely love this time of year. The beautiful colors and cooler nights just beg for an afternoon run or walk. Each new season brings a chance to make changes and take out a fresh lease on our lives. This is also a great time to change up our workouts and try something new. After the bbq closes up think about all the yummy fall foods and test out some great healthy recipes, think - pumpkin, pecans, sweet potatoes, apples!

Take advantage of this delicious season to get out an enjoy the fresh air, take a hike or a bike ride. Learn a new sport, take a new class. (I'm teaching a super fun Spin Class every Monday night from 6-7pm that is sure to both challenge and reward you) Enjoy great outdoor activities and prepare to move inside for great winter workouts! The gym is a great place to keep up your momentum and increase your motivation. Ask a trainer to help you set up a new program for the fall. If you've never tried yoga drop in on a class.

Make like a leaf and change! And don't forget to drink more water. The cool dry air can dehydrate just like the heat and we all know how important water is to a healthy diet.