Think Big!!
There really is power in positive thinking. Sure we’ve heard this before. Now we have proof. “The key reason people succeed or fail with a new program is the mental part of it,” says Bobby McGee, a sports psychologist and running coach to winning Olympians and author of Magical Running ( It’s true that our bodies react to our thoughts. Visualization and positive thinking can have a major effect. Our bodies tend to take it easy if we don’t ask them for more. Even then they don’t often help make hard work any easier. That’s what are brains are for. When you want to run faster or lift more you have to recruit that gray matter a little more. If you believe you couldn’t possible run a seven minute mile or complete a 5k, or squat as much weight as the next girl then, well, you won’t. But when you get your mind on your side your body is able to recruit more muscles to help you get the job done. Lab experiments have shown the same thing: "If you put athletes on a treadmill and show them videos of themselves running badly in a race, their VO2 max [the amount of oxygen their bodies can process] will go down," says McGee. "But as soon as they are shown tapes of themselves performing well, their VO2 max goes up." Put your mind into! You’ll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish when you put it al together. Eat right, exercise more and think BIG!
so true in everything. thanks i needed that!