Spring Cleaning!

6:47 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I'm sorry it's been a few days since I've written. It's been like a whirlwind around here! Saturday was so beautiful we just had to find some fun outside. I've always loved mountain biking. Intense effort followed by heart pounding descent really gets me going! Since my bike was stolen last season I just haven't hit the trails. Until yesterday! I bought an amazing new-to-me bike from a friend and rode like a wild lady through Powell Butte state park. It was perfect. I happen to love exercise for exercise sake but there's nothing like the rush of great physical activity (at high speeds) in the out-of-doors!

Today was spent deeply involved in another Springtime activity. Major household cleaning and reorganizing. It's rather dramatic what a bit of furniture rearranging an a few new shelves can do. I feel quite reinvented:) Just now putting the finishing touches on my new bedroom office. Previously I've been dragging all my books and notes and spilling out all over the kitchen table. Now I have my very own desk! I've heard it suggested to keep work out of the bedroom but this is my sanctuary, my creative den, my "spot".

I enjoy a good scrub down and our tiny apartment needs constant upkeep. Sometimes I think we have dozens of cats instead of two. If I leave the place un-dusted for a weekend the fur balls multiply! Today we moved all the furniture, swept, mopped and removed any moldy grim we found along the way. It took all afternoon (including the trip to IKEA) and the results are worth the effort. I feel much happier at home. Setting your space right can make your whole life seem easier and more organized. As the weather warms up and we are inspired to make new and fresh here are some tips to keep your Spring clean green.....

These simple suggestions are so basic you most likely have all the "ingredients" in your cabinets already.

Here are a few basic “recipes” and techniques to get you started:

Glass: Mix 1/4 cup vinegar with 1 quart of water in a spray bottle. Spray on glass and wipe clean with old newspaper or a lint-free cloth.

Countertops and bathroom tile: Mix 2 parts vinegar and 1 part baking soda with 4 parts water. Apply with a sponge, scour, and wipe away.

Floors: Mix 4 cups of white distilled vinegar with about a gallon of hot water. If desired, add a few drops of pure peppermint or lemon oil for a pleasant scent. After damp mopping the floors, the smell of vinegar will dissipate quickly, leaving behind only the scent of the oil.

Wood furniture: Mix equal parts of lemon juice and olive and oil. Apply a small amount to a cloth, and rub onto the furniture in long, even strokes.

Toilet bowl cleaner: Sprinkle a toilet brush with baking soda and scrub away! Occasionally disinfect your toilet by scrubbing with borax instead. Wipe the outside of the toilet clean with straight vinegar.

Disinfectant: Mix 2 teaspoons borax, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 3 cups hot water, and 1/4 teaspoon liquid castile soap. Wipe on with dampened cloth or use a spray bottle. Wipe clean.

Mold and mildew: Wipe with straight vinegar.

Air freshener: Sprinkle essential oil on a cotton ball, and stash it in a corner of the room. If you have kids, make sure it is out of their reach as essential oils are very strong and could irritate their skin. Lavender is a relaxing scent that is great for bedrooms, and cinnamon, clove, and citrus oils are great for the rest of the house. You can stash a few in the car too—try peppermint, which may help you to stay alert.

Happy Cleaning!