Golf Conditioning

10:06 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Here's a copy of the handout I made for a class on Golf Conditioning. The exercises are designed to be done at home or at your gym. Do the stretches daily or as often as possible. Complete 1-2 sets of 12-15 reps of each strength move 2x per week and add the power moves slowly as you become more accustomed to the exercises. The injury prevention move focus on shoulder mobility and can also be done daily. Stick to it and see your game improve. I promise:) I am happy to explain these exercises in more detail and even stick figures! Email me at for more info!

Improve your golf body; Improve your golf game

Remy Maguire,

"In golf as in life, it's the follow through that makes the difference." - Ben Wicks

Golf Specific Training: Mobility-Stability-Strength-Power-Energy

A properly designed golf-fitness program is vital for reducing the potential for golf-related injuries, while simultaneously improving late-game stamina, power development for longer drives, and accuracy and consistency in your short game.

As well as…

*Add distance

*Be Energized on the Back 9

*Hit the Ball More Consistently

*Make Better Turns

*Lose Weight

*Break 60 (Ok, that’s a lie)

Tour professionals and amateurs alike are practicing regular fitness routines specifically targeted for golf. The results are more powerful and stable golf swings.

The golf swing is a very complex movement, requiring work from the whole body. Strengthening and stretching the body can make your swing more powerful and consistent.

Focus on Functional movements. Give the body a challenge by incorporating movement in all planes, types of motion and unstable surfaces.

Identify your weaknesses. You can work to improve these parts of your game with a focused training regime.

Practice motion that simulates the golf swing to prepare you for real play.

To hit the ball far you need the joints and muscles of the body to work together from head, shoulders, spine and hips.

Let’s learn some techniques to improve your performance, protect you from injury and have more fun on the course!

Strength Training


Alternating Squats with Overhead Press

(Lat Pull downs)

Oblique Crunches



Reverse Flyes

Bicep Curls

Back Extensions

Wrist Curls

Power Moves

Good Mornings to Shoulder Press

Medicine Ball Diagonal Chop

Plyo Push-ups

Lateral Raises

Standing Torso Twists

Reverse Crunch with Stability Ball

Injury Prevention

Shoulder Rotations in various planes

Medicine Ball Figure Eights


Shoulder and Chest






Forearms and Wrists