Triathlon Triumph!

1:28 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

It was a sunny Sunday morning as we drove from the city to Frenchman's Bar State Park in Vancouver. Andrew and I set the station to a Reggae beat and sipped coffee with the windows down. The parking lot was packed with cars and bikers and racers with wet suits slug over their shoulders. The nerves really kicked in!

After getting our bibs and chips we found our transition area and set up shop. Everything has to be "just so". Towel in front of bike. Bike faced toward the exit. Shoes with socks open. Shirt with bib hanging on handle bars. Helmet and sunshades open and ready to go. "Are we ready?!?!"

"Ready as we can be!"

After the openning ceremonies all the racers walked 1/2 down the beach to the swim start. Laughing and smiles were mixed with silence and bitten lips.

The water was cold at first but there's no time to dwell before "Ready, Set, Go!" ; splashing and kicking and arms and legs!

"Keep going, keep going..." ran over and over in my head. I thought for a few minutes I'd never reach the end! It felt like I was swimming forever. Finally, I ran up the beach chasing a women who finished the swim right before me. Into the transition area I focused only on getting out of my wetsuit and onto my bike. The first few pedal stokes feel like you're just learning to ride! What wobbly legs! This was my first race on my new bike. Clearly, I need to practice. I tucked and rode as hard as could. I passed a few riders and a few more passed me. Hoping off the bike and onto the 3 mile run my legs felt even wobblier! This time the cahnt "Go! Go! Go!" kept me moving forward as fast as I could go. I remember glancing down at my legs, seeing the muscles work and thinking what an amazing thing our bodies are. "Go body, Go legs, Go!"

As I ran through the finish line I saw my friend Kathy cheering and smiling. Thank you Kathy. After I caught my breath she said, "I think you won." The whole race I was hoping, I was wishing, I was wanting terribly to win. But, it's a mighty thing to win and I knew I'd have incredible competition. Like, Sherri, my boss:) I tried not to get my hopes too high while I loitered around the results board.

2nd Place. I'll take it!!! Just wait until next year!

As soon as I got home I openned my calender to schedule outdoor bike rides! This was my slowest leg! I was shocked. I ride my bike to work everyday, I teach and take several Spinning classes a week and I race mountain bikes! I've got to learn to go faster!

Andrew and I are going to race another Sprint Tri in August. I think he's hooked too:) Way to go, Dear, I'm soooo proud of you! (You're not gonna beat on the bike next time!)