Portion sizes and more!

4:06 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

The Equations: Calories In (Good ones that work for and with your own body) v Calories Out = Fat Loss. There’s no way around this one. It’s up to you to find the right combination and balance of healthy foods and fun activity.

One thing at a Time: Changing your habits? Try one or two things at a time; eating breakfast daily, baking foods instead of frying them, reducing portion sizes, cooking at home and eating out a little less.

Why Diets Don’t Work: No shakes, no pills, no starving, no stress! With these “quick-fixes” you’ll lose that great fat burning tool, muscle, first and are likely to gain the weight right back. Restrictions and limitations aren’t fun and aren’t helpful or sustainable. Find Your Own Perfect Equation.

The Importance of Fiber: It reduces constipation and lowers the risk of hemorroids and diverticulosis by adding bulk to the feces and reducing transit time in the colon. Increased consumption of insoluble fiber helps to increase satiety, and the feeling of fullness may lead to decreased caloric intake. As a result, a diet high in insoluble fiber may promote weight loss. Try apples, beans, and greens.

Facts about FAT:

Less low fat, no fat and more good fats.

Unsaturated Fats are liquid at room temperature and differ from saturated fats in that their chemical structure contains double bonds. These fats are found foods such as nuts, avocados, and olives. They are liquid at room temperature and differ from saturated fats in that their chemical structure contains double bonds. Additionally, studies have shown that unsaturated fats are also heart-healthy fats - they have the ability to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol).

v. Saturated Fats are found in animal products and processed foods, such as meats, dairy products, chips, and pastries. These fats are solid at room temperature. Saturated fats are not heart healthy, since they are most known for raising your LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol).

Why Water: Flush it out, feel full and keep your body running at it’s best!

Plan, plan, plan: Can’t emphasize this enough☺

The nighttime nosh: If you’ve been able to eat regularly throughout the day you should need to eat again after dinner. If you find yourself home late from the gym or work and are hungry – then, by all means, eat something. Just remember that your gearing up to gear down…eat lightly, a small carb-rich meal can often also help you sleep. (A bowl of bran flakes with berries, a small yam with cottage cheese, toast with tomatoes and swiss are all good choices)

Appropriate portion sizes:

Grains: Choose whole grains whenever possible.
Examples: One serving equals That's about the size of
Bread 1 ounce (1 small slice, 1/2 bagel, 1/2 bun) Index card
Cooked Grains 1/2 cup cooked oats, rice, pasta Billiard ball
Dry cereal 1/2 cup flakes, puffed rice, shredded wheat Billiard ball

Fruits and Vegetables: Aim 5-9 total servings each day. Choose fresh fruits and veggies whenever possible.
Examples One serving equals That's about the size of
Raw fruit 1/2 cup raw, canned, frozen fruit Billiard ball
Dried fruit 1/4 cup raisins, prunes, apricots An egg
Juice 6 oz 100% fruit or vegetable juice Hockey puck
Raw vegetables 1 cup leafy greens, baby carrots Baseball
Cooked veggies 1/2 cup cooked broccoli, potatoes Billiard ball

Meat and Beans: Choose lean meats and plant proteins whenever possible.
Examples One serving equals That's about the size of
Meat & Tofu 2-3 oz cooked beef, poultry, fish, tofu Deck of cards
Beans 1/2 cup cooked beans, split peas, legumes Billiard ball
Nuts & Seeds 2 Tbsp nuts, seeds, or nut butters Ping pong ball

Dairy: Choose low- or non-fat products whenever possible.
Examples One serving equals That's about the size of
Cheese 1 ounce or 1 thin slice of cheese A pair of dice
Milk 1 cup milk, yogurt, soy milk Baseball

Fats & Oils: Eat fats and oils sparingly and in small portions. Choose heart-healthy fats whenever possible.
Examples One serving equals That's about the size of
Fat & Oil 1 tsp butter, margarine, oil One die

Hunger Scale: Where are you now? Pay attention to how you feel before and after you eat.

Limit Temptation: Having to drive or walk to the store for your after lunch sweet makes you think twice and come up with a more sensible solution which can create a new and better habit.

Shopping Lists and Easy Recipes: Check out the Client Zone at NW Personal Training for more FAQ about Nutrition and tons of Great, East, Healthy Recipes….


What about my glass of Wine?: When trying to lose weight these extra, empty calories can be easier to cut and can help get you to your goal faster. Often a little buzz can lead you straight to the chip dish or dessert tray. Staying focused is important so do what it takes to get there.