You are what you EAT!

1:46 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I taught a seminar Saturday on beauty foods. There is so much to learn about all the wonderful things good food can for you - besides help you lose weight -- food can help you look good too!

Here's my handout. I'll post some recipes and meal plans and definitions of the lesser know beans and grains next! Thanks for coming!

Healthy food can make you feel and look great!

Some things good food can do:
-Strengthen your heart, bones and whole body
-Lifts your spirits and you energy levels
-Reduces mental and physical stress
-Helps your body fight illness, disease and cancer
-Helps keep away the common cold, influenza, and infections
-Reduces the swelling and pain of arthritis
-Boosts your sex drive and fertility
-Makes your skin, hair and nails beautiful!

Examples of good foods:

Raw fruit and veggies (Organic are best)
Sprouted seeds and grains
Carbs without refined sugar; whole grain breads, grains, rice, potatoes
Beans, quinoa, and other veggie proteins
Healthy fats, avocado, nuts, seeds, fish
Unprocessed foods, fresh meats, etc

Cruddy foods do cruddy things to our bodies
What Cruddy food does:

-Makes you feel and look older than you are
-Causes weight gain, obesity and diabetes
-Weakens the immune system making the body susceptible to illness
-Makes you slow, tired, and lethargic
-Causes mood swings, headaches and stiffness
-Gives you unhealthy looking hair, skin and nails
-Doesn’t make you feel sexy

Examples of Cruddy Foods

Simple carbs; sweet things made with refined sugar, white flour or rice.
Overcooked fruits and veggies
Foods sprayed with pesticides and chemicals
Hard to digest proteins; super fatty meats and dairy
Packaged, refined foods.

Three Beauty Stealers
1. Faulty Digestion
2. Inflammation
3. Free Radicals

The Most Helpful Anti-Oxidants
Vitamin A and Carotenoids: Support vision, immune function and skin health by promoting cell turnover and circulation.
Carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale, collards, cantaloupe, peaches and apricots (bright-colored fruits and vegetables!)
*6 leaves of romaine lettuce provides %100

Vitamin C (ascorbic Acid): Needed for growth and repair of all tissues, skin (collagen), teeth and bones.
Citrus fruits like oranges and lime etc, green peppers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, strawberries and tomatoes
*1 cup of strawberries provides %100

Vitamin E and Omega 3’s: 
Skin care, wound healing.
Nuts & seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil, olive oil, liver oil
*1/2 oz of walnuts provides %100 of ALA

Selenium: Free radical protection.
Fish & shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken and garlic

Other Awesome Antioxidants
Some common phytochemicals (plant foods)
Flavonoids / polyphenols: Protects skin from UV rays
Soy, red wine, purple grapes or Concord grapes, pomegranate, cranberries, tea
Lycopene: Helps prevent sun damage
Tomato and tomato products, pink grapefruit, watermelon
Lutein: Keeps eyes and skin healthy as we age
Dark green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, kiwi, brussels sprouts and spinach
Lignan: Free radical scavengers
Flax seed, oatmeal, barley, rye, pumpkin seeds, berries

Eat these....

Foods For…

To Aid Digestion: Artichokes, Avocados, Carrots, Millet, Parsnips, Rice, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Tofu, Turnips, Yams, Tea and Herbs: Fennel, Peppermint, Licorice
To Prevent Gas and Bloating: Yellow Squash, Mung beans, Kidney beans, Barley, Beets, Oats, Carrots, Parsley, Celery, Chicken, Pumpkin, Root Veggies, Fish, Leafy Greens, Turnips, Yams
To Prevent Dandruff: Flax Seeds
To Get rid of pimples: Get more fiber and less dairy
To Prevent Chipping/Splitting Nails: Milk thistle, broccoli, cabbage, whole grains, nettle tea
Eliminate Dark Circles: Food variety, quinoa, cranberry juice


To Be More Energetic: Sprouted seeds, beans and grains. Fruits and veggies; broccoli, spinach, peaches, grapes. Flax and sunflower seeds. Yams and squashes. Beans; black, mung, aduki.
*Feeling sleepy in the afternoon can be caused by an unbalanced diet. Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee or sugary treat after lunch, make your meal for energizing. Eat beans, seeds and yams with lunch for natural energy.
For Immunity Power: Broccoli, ginger root, lemon, mushrooms, licorice root.
To combat symptoms of PMS and Menopause: Apples, Fennel, Flax, Kidney beans, Oats, Olives, Seeds, Soybeans, Yams
To relieve Stress: Celery, sunflower seeds, brown rice and oats, cabbage, almonds, berries, cucumbers, asparagus, avocado and garlic

My Top 10 Tips for Health, Weight Loss and Beautification
1. Move More
2. Eat Breakfast Everyday
3. Eat Lots of Fruits and Veggies
4. Choose high fiber, smart carbohydrates
5. Include lean or vegetarian protein at meals and snacks
6. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas
7. Eat a small portion of healthy fats
8. Avoid cruddy foods 80% of the time
9. Sleep, nap, rest. Aim for 7-10 hours at night.
10. Chill out!

The Natural Makeover Diet by Dr. Joey Shulman
Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles: Eat Your Way to Firmer, More Beautiful Skin with the 100 Best Anti-Aging Foods by Allison Tanis
Cooking Well: Beautiful Skin: Over 75 Antioxidant-Rich Recipes for Glowing Skin
How to sprout: