November Resolutions
2011 November ResolutionsFor the past couple of years I’ve started thinking about my own personal resolutions a few months before January. There is something powerful about knowing that you are creating the future you want. Because the truth is – no one else can do it but YOU. So, why wait? Do it NOW! Everyone else can wait until January – get ahead of the crowd!
Today I ask my self , “Did I achieve what I had set out to last November?”
Well. As the weather cooled off and ‘cross season was coming to an end I outlined a fitness plan that would give me a month to recover and then hit training hardcore to rock spring mountain bike racing. Did I rock it? Yes, I did. Last November I had been through a tough year of training and learning my body’s limits. I was feeling good about my career path and was super focused on training and improving my skills and knowledge.
The year before,, I was focused on similar pursuits. I hadn’t yet started racing cyclocross and had just come back from a weekend away spectating. My diet was falling off track and I needed an overhaul of bad habits (those darn maltballs!) and a revisiting to healthy living. I set 3 specific goals to keep me motivated and challenged.
As a result I have had another incredible year of competition in triathlon and bike racing. I have learned more about myself and my abilities than I even thought possible. This strength and confidence has carried over into my career life and my ‘real’ life. I’m a better trainer, more knowledgeable, more motivated. I’m a more experienced coach. I’m a better cook!
What about you? How has this year been for you? Are last years resolutions accomplished? If so, don’t disregard your success! Congratulations! If your plans are still unmet, what can you do over the next two months to get closer to your goals?
With hard work and focus dreams can come true. Don’t forget you’ve got lots of time to try, time to take risks, time to regroup. A lot can happen in a year.
Plan to succeed. A friend of mine recently shared a perspective on resolutions and goal setting that really resonated with me. I am always urging clients and athletes to set both large and small goals. Some should be specific and some more general. We all need several paths to get to our destinations. This first one doesn’t always work out so it’s good to have some leeway. So, how about this. Before you set this years resolutions look back for a moment, maybe more, and think about what you have already accomplished. There are probably lots of amazing things you’ve done that you didn’t even know you would. In your career, at home, in your creative life, for you inner self…what brilliant, magic, awesome things have happened? Write those down.
Try to list 25 things you’ve done. For example – I actually grew a garden. I taught my kids to like healthy eating, sometimes. I tried Zumba and loved it. I ran a ½ marathon. I got a new job. I gave myself more time to rest.
Then, looking at that list set your course for 2012. Aim your compass at your dreams. Fuzzy or clear you can get there. Be both concise and broad setting your goals. Set resolutions that won’t box you in or risk setting you up for failure. Strive to set resolutions and intentions that motivate, inspire and drive you passionately and fluidly into the next year of your life.
Most importantly plan to have some fun☺