Action Plan Rules and Why's

11:31 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Here the plan....

Off Limits During the Plan: processed food or beverages, added sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol.

You're Eating During Week 1: fruits, vegetables, and plant-based fats, including nuts, seeds, and oils

What You're Adding Back in Week 2: seafood, beans and lentils, and organic soy (I don't like eating soy very much so I'll probably skip tofu and tempeh in favor of edamame.)

What You’re Adding Back in Week 3: gluten-free grains and eggs

The Action Plan authors suggest taking some time to write out what you hope to accomplish by completing this cleanse. Reminding yourself why you decided to do this can help keep you motivated and on track.

Here are my top five reasons.

1. I want to feel in control of my health and wellness. Over the holidays I paid less attention to what I was eating and my workouts and body suffered.

2. This dreary winter weather with no races until spring bores me to tears! I need a challenge!

3. I want to learn more about my body. What can I handle? What foods make me feel good and what have I been eating that sucks my energy and leaves me wanting? I've been feeling cranky and sleepy after meals more that I used to.

4. I want to feel lighter, looser, more flexible.

5. I want to feel and look my best for our trip to Hawaii in February!