Thursday Thoughts Ed. #37- What it takes to lose weight.

2:23 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

What it takes to lose the weight.

You’ve got to want it. You’ve got to be willing to work for it. Number 1.

Then you’ve got to get your priorities straight. Figure out what is the most important, most effective thing you can do to get your body to change.

Be realistic. Take a long, hard look at your lifestyle. Are you super stressed out? Do you get enough sleep and time for rejuvenation? Are you exercising? If you are, how much and how hard – are you getting all gross and sweaty? (If not, you aren’t working hard enough to lose weight.)

Take a look at your diet? A really good look. Is your diet healthy and nutritious? Do you know what that even means?

Now pick one thing to work on. Yup, just one! Choose something you really believe you can do…get to the gym two more times per week, go to bed 30 minutes earlier (so you can get up and go to the gym!), have oatmeal for breakfast and add a salad to your evening meal.

You’ve got to want it. You’ve got to be willing to work for it. So go ahead and pick something you KNOW you can handle. Then do it.

If that’s sounds pretty easy, good. I want you to feel positive about what you are trying to do – to really believe you can do it!

The best thing you can do is the best thing you can do. Whether it’s exercise, diet or lifestyle related, you’ve got changes to make, so go slowly, and make one at a time.
If you want more, you are ready to sweat and succeed once and for all, keep reading.

Priorities for Fat Loss!

1. Dialed in nutrition.
Even if you create the necessary caloric deficit required to lose weight if you are eating a bunch of junk – you’ll still feel and look, well, like you eat a bunch of junk. A healthy, nutritious diet will make weight loss easier, give your workouts more energy and keep your skin glowing and smile bright. Bonus!

2. Dialed in nutrition.
I’m serious; it’s a big deal! I teach a whole class on how to eat, plan, prepare, and enjoy the right types of foods to lose weight. It’s very popular and it changes lives. Broccoli changes lives!

3. Lift some weights. Strengthen your muscles.
The majority of the calories we burn in a day are based on our body composition. A person with more muscle burns more calories at rest that the same sized person whose body isn’t as strong. It is so important to make sure you focus on including metabolic boosting, muscle building exercise into your routine.

4. Keep your metabolism stoked.
Your metabolism is your energy (calorie) burner. A faster and more effective system means your body can burn more calories and shed fat faster. So we want this baby cooking! How do we do that?? See #3. Muscle requires more energy (calories) than fat. Basically, more muscle = faster metabolism = less fat.

5. Now keep moving! Burn, baby, burn.
Spending time on the treadmill, sweaty indoor spin sessions, taking the stairs instead of the elevator; these activities all burn calories. Sweet. Remember the basic equation for fat loss? You want to burn more calories that you consume. A serious 60-minute spin class can burn up to 600 of those suckers. Boom. Combine this heart pounding, mood boosting, tank top soaking fun stuff with all of the above and you’ll be looking good (and thinner) by summer.

Need some help with #1 or #2? Set up an appointment for your own personal nutrition counseling session. I’ve helped even the pickiest, most sugar saturated clients figure out how to eat food they love and break the fat cycle. You can use the personal training sessions you have already or buy individual sessions until you see the results you deserve.

Stumped about doing #3, #4, and #5 the right way? Well, you’ve got a club full of world class experts at your fingertips if you are a member of Northwest Personal Training or NW Women’s Fitness Club. Ask us! We are here to help!

Here’s a link to the current class schedule at NWWFC. You can read below the calendar to find out which of the classes are going to help you reach your fat loss goal. Might I suggest coming to see me Monday night’s at 6pm in the cycle studio!!! It’s most fun you’ll have all week☺

What questions do you have about fat loss? Send along your questions and I’ll do my best to get you an answer.

Club members: While you are online…like right NOW…please fill out our newest member survey. Just like you we want to be the best we can be, let us know how. Here it is.

With lots of sweaty, veggie eating love! (That sounds weird.)
Coach Remy