Thursday Thoughts Ed. 41 - Spring Cleaning

8:30 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

The streets are sprinkled with flowering trees, all pink and white. Our little stoop is made more pleasant by the arrival of tiny yellow daffodils. Spring is certainly in. (And here in Portland we might even see the sun this weekend.) The weather warms and our winter clothes hang too heavy. It's time for something lighter, fresh and new. Open the windows! Let in the light. Spring cleaning isn't just for your closets - it's for your life:) Our homes are a reflection of our lives, a mirror of ourselves. What does yours look like? How do you want it to look? Think about spring cleaning like getting rid of the junk in your trunk and the mold in your mind! (Yes, I'm into rhyming) In the kitchen... Start your day off right. Even if you can't seem to slam down eight ounces of water everyday be sure to drink one big glass in the morning before you do anything else. Add citrus, like lemon juice, to naturally cleanse your system and set the body straight. Give your healthy habits the honor they deserve. Keep your veggies stored in clear view. Organize your fridge to highlight all the fresh fruit and produce. Get rid of junky foods, old foods, and packaged foods. Shop for the seasons best. Finally it's time for tomatoes and green beans! Shine up tarnished silverware. Toss chipped plates. Get yourself some pretty dishware that makes it fun to eat and serve friends and family. In the closet... Keep the clothes you love and fit you well. By all means keep a piece in a smaller size if it inspires you. If it makes you feel bad or hurts you to see in your drawer - get ride of it! Donate the duds. Put away the sweaters. Nicely store your favorites. For your workout.... Pick up the pace. If you've been sailing through 40 minutes on the elliptical all winter - switch it up. Add intervals. Take a new class. Get outside. Exercise early when it's still dark so you can enjoy the longer days with family. Take after dinner walks to enjoy the sweet smells of spring. Expand your horizons. Look over the edge and see what's there. Spring is the time to bust out, break free and see what happens. All my best, Remy