Thursday Thoughts Ed. 84 - 5 Ways to Stay Heathy this Winter

10:11 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

It's here! Along with the beautiful, crisp fall weather comes a less delightful seasonal phenomenon, The Sickies! Yuck! While cold and flu season begins and it seems like everyone around you is getting sick, it doesn't have to happen to you!

No matter what your tactics are for staying healthy, flu shots or hot toddies, there are a few things we all must do to keep our immune systems going strong.

#1. Get enough sleep.

The number of hours you need is particular to you. What's important is that you make sure to hit that magic number. You know when you've got it right because you fall asleep easier and you wake up refreshed. Over the course of the night, your body does the hard work of processing the day and rejuvenating you for the next one. Try a cup of soothing hot tea at night to calm you and prepare you for a good nights rest. Keep your bedroom as dark as possible and leave the electronics out of there.

#2. Drink more water.

This should be the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning. I like to heat the kettle up and sip on warm water while the coffee in brewing. Add a slice of lemon if you prefer. Then keep drinking all day.  Bring your water bottle to the gym. Keep one in the car. Our bodies are made from water so be sure to keep yours full of the good, clean, calorie free stuff.

#3. Make healthy food choices.

Sure, it seems like a no brainer to all of us on a fitness mission. But, what we eat can make a huge difference in how we feel and how healthy we stay.  It's true, "we are what we eat". Want to be healthy? Eat healthy. Check out your local grocery for in season produce. Nutrient dense winter squash and greens are a quick and easy way to fill the tank with immune boosting power foods. Lean towards warm soups and stew for your comfort foods and avoid the heavy fried junk. You know it never makes you feel good.

#4. Get moving.

Whether you walk the block before work each day or pop over to the gym, exercise is vital for a healthy body. We already know that daily exercise helps prevent a ton of diseases, brittle bones, heart problems and depression.  So don't stop now! Yoga, cycling, cardio and strength training can all help the body develop a tough immune system. Aim for at least 2o minutes a day and keep your blood pumping to keep colds and flu away.

#5. Relax and have fun.

Getting together with friends isn't just fun, it's healthy! Not to mention a remedy for winter doldrums, surveys say spending time relaxing, laughing and having fun is really good for us.  Make time to get together for lunch break walks, or plan game nights with your favorite pals. I've got a puzzle going and everyone who comes by helps put it together. Sunday evenings are a great time to gather friends and family for a cozy meal. De-stress and strengthen your immune system.