8:25 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

A new career deserves its very own, brand-spanking new blog.  Our lives are such wild adventures, tossing us this way and then that way,  like a roller-coaster with eye-widening highs and deep belly-flipping troughs. I find myself beginning again and am welcoming the challenge.  I learned to swim and to ski as a child growing up in rural Maine. Through high-school and into college I was a competitive athlete in a love-hate relationship with exercise.  The work felt so hard but the reward was so great. I could never give it up!  I enjoy exercising both in and out of the gym and writing articles on strength training, nutrition and healthy, happy living.  I love helping others put the puzzle pieces together to create their best lives.  Manifest the Best!  This year came with monumental events: I married my best friend and soul-mate and followed my heart to a career as a health and fitness professional. With fear and excitement I launch into these endeavours and I am driven to document the moments.  I welcome you to join me as I record what I learn along the way and hope against hope you will learn something too.