
8:12 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Sun-drenched and sleepy after the festive, sparkly weekend.  The air is cooler and calmer today but I'm still sore and covered in band-aids.  No better way to celebrate "Independence" than on a BMX bike at a backyard BBQ!  Every muscle in my body is worked and twisted and my skin in spotted with bruises.  And it feels good. (A Full-body exercise for sure!) Eyeing the dirt mounded "pump track" all afternoon I knew it wouldn't be long before I hopped on a bike and rode.  Here's some info from bikePortland.org to explain this wickedly fun ride...

*What is a pump track?:
  • A nearly level closed circuit course made up or rollers and berms that can be ridden without pedaling by pumping the rollers and berms to generate speed.
  • Pump Tracks are safe, fun and a great workout.
  • Pump Tracks can be easily, rapidly and inexpensively built.
  • Pump Tracks can be rapidly and inexpensively dismantled with virtually no environmental impact.
  • Pump Tracks are exciting and fun yet their basic design elements keeps speeds and injury risks low.
  • Beginner skill levels mean lower speeds, and greater safety margins. Greater skill levels allows for increases in speed and enjoyment, while skill-enhanced control maintains safety profile.
  • Pump Track riding is a high quality, full body, workout that can be enjoyed by all generations of cyclists.
  • Riding on a Pump Track helps improve the skills, control, and safety during all forms of cycling.
(Don't worry Dad, I wore my helmet) 
Try something new. Challenge yourself.  Face fear and find a new hobby.  Have courage and have fun.  Life is too short to watch from the side. Dive in!