7:55 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Wow, what a week!  Where did all the time go?  In my last post I was busy riding my bike and this week I'm busy trying to find a new one.  After teaching a Outdoor Bootcamp in Pioneer Square (downtown Portland at an event called FitJam to benefit diabedes research) we rode our bike to a quick sushi meal before heading home.  After some debate about whose bike should be put up on the porch first (I had a ride planned for the morning) we must have forgotten to lock them. Mine wasn't there in the morning.  Absolutely heart-broken.  My trusty Trek was one of my first "major" purchases and I rode it daily for ten years.  Love.  Almost more difficult than dealing with the fact that I'll probably never see it again is dealing with the fact that I have to use the car again!  20 tanks of gas buys a brand new bike. Deciding what bike i'll love for the next decade is proving just as hard as I imagined.  There are so many choices but many less that fit my criteria.  Sporty, fast, light, solid, sexy and under $600.  I have a crush on a new Gary Fisher (the Wingra model) but have to kiss a few more frogs before making my final decision.  Not to mention the triathalon (My 1st) this weekend.  The race is quite literally ON!