Super Easy Swaps to lighten your load

3:33 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

If you're on a mission for weight loss then you know the key is to consume less calories than you burn to create a deficit that triggers the pounds to melt away. Sounds simple right? Well, if you're on this mission you KNOW that's not always true. Sweat through a 30 minute workout and you can torch 200. But chug down a foamy, frothy cappuccino on your way home you're right back where you started! Here are a few ways to slash calories nearly effortlessly by making easy changes to your diet. Weight-loss and healthy eating isn't about deprivation. Making good healthy choices allows you to enhance your diet with yummy, nutritious foods that fuel your mind and body.

Here are easy ways to cut 100 calories at every meal...

At Breakfast...

-Skip the bagel and have whole grain toast with reduced sugar jam and nut butter.
-Eat your cereal in a smaller bowl and top with berries and use skim milk.
-Drink your java black or skip the foamy cream and ask for sugar-free flavor with skim milk.
-Use 4 egg whites or Egg substitute instead of 2 whole eggs
-Hold the butter!

At Lunch...

-Leave the cheese off your sandwich.
-Skip the croutons.
-Ask for dressing on the side and only use half.
-Order a turkey burger instead of beef.
-Choice a brothy soup instead of the creamy one.
-Leave off the bun.
-Ask for the corn tortillas instead of the flour.

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