Best Dinner Ever!
I've been trying to keep things simple these days. Ok, kinda cheap. But I still want dinner to be healthy and delicious. It's possible, I swear. Last nights concoction came out so well I have to share! I was looking for organic chicken breasts but found some Italian spiced turkey sausages on super sale instead. So this became the focus of the dish. I steamed a bunch of organic broccoli and asparagus with a squeeze of lemon and a dash of seasoning in the water. I chopped up crunchy fresh chard into strips and tossed it in a hot skillet with a spritz of olive oil and a generous scoop of minced garlic. (I usually cook veggies and meat separately to skim the fat) This meat was lean and so fragrant I couldn't resist the urge to throw the greens in the pot. Hello, down home cooking! The sausage and chard steamed together on medium heat until the meat was cooked - about 15 minutes. Served with a side of herbed long grain rice and fresh veggies the fragrant sausage was sliced and tossed with the chard making a lovely and well balanced plate. And those plates were clean when they got back to the kitchen! Amazing! And all low-fat, high in vitamins, quick, easy and cheap! Try it:)