The Ten Mile Mark

7:53 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Ouch! Starting my half-marathon training a little late. With the event coming up next weekend I figured I'd better just make sure I can actually go the distance. I've never run much farther than the 3 uphill and 3 back down from my favorite local park - and I stop at the top! So, on Friday, a gorgeous Fall day I committed myself to a ten mile run. After working from dawn until noon I considered putting the task off until Monday. But once I marked the thing down in my training log there was no getting out of it. After a mid-day nap and a light snack I hit the road with an hour and thirty minute playlist on my ipod. My ideal goal is to finish the half-marathon under two hours. I'm not sure if that's fast, slow, crazy or totally possible. I ran 7 miles under an hour, did the math and got my goal - about 13 -9 min miles. That wretched 10 miles took 1hr 40minutes and I felt like I was running backwards! After 5 miles I wanted to quit, go to the bathroom, get some water and walk home. I turned up the volume and ran to the closest mini-mart. Panting and sweating and pleading they let me use the employee only bathroom. Feeling much relieved, my heart-rate was down and my energy back up! I sprinted out of the store and back on my way! Turned down the 7 mile stretch, looked up the hill ahead of my and let out an audible yelp. My calves screamed, my feet cried, I forced on a fierce face and repeated "I can do this, I can do this" all the way home. Yikes. I can't believe I have to do that again - plus three miles more!! Well, my training log at least looks better until then...a few more days of cross-training, a short run mid week, then rest, food and water, rest, food and water. "I can do this, I can do this!"