Mountain Madness

5:59 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

The snowy Winter sports season has begun! After a good night of much needed rest Andrew and I made a warming and filling breakfast and headed to the mountain. We left Portland about 11am with the sun shining and us both smiling about the beautiful weekend weather. When we reached the road to Timberline we were stopped by a frowning official type sorry to tell us the mountain was FULL. No place to park, no place to even turn around! Everyone with a pair of skis or a snowboard must have had the same great idea that we did - but gotten up earlier. Good thing we bought a seasons pass for the first time this year that lets us ride both Timberline at higher elevation and steeper Ski Bowl a little lower. So, to Ski Bowl we went. Not a lift line in sight. Only perfect pillowy snow and happy winter recreators (I think I made that word up, but I like it). We decided to take it easy the first day and just enjoy getting back to the mountain. We rode for a few hours and called it day. A great day! My legs feel good and worked but strong and ready for a nice long season of fun. I think I'll add some more lower body strength and balance work into my workout routine this week. We're offering a weekly winter sports conditioning class at Northwest Women's Fitness Club that is sure to help get in shape for hitting the slopes. I'm amazed at how my muscles feel after a day on the mountain. It's difficult to simulate the feeling in the gym but core and balance work and tons of squats and lunges sure can help.

And now the second best part - our apres snowboarding tradition of dinner and darts at our favorite English pub. We always seem to work up an appetite! I hope everyone has a great weekend too.