Healthy and Happy!
Christmas Eve Dinner Menu:Baked Halibut with an Orange-Dill Gremolata (Italian parsley based salsa) with Rosemary roasted potatoes. Steamed Asparagus with Dill and Lemon. Roasted Beets and Beet Greens. Poached Pears with Marsala, Cinnamon and Vanilla. Turned out almost as good as it sounds. The potatoes were the highlight, says Andrew. Everything looked lovely on the platter and filled us up but didn't feel like a crazy heavy meal. We enjoyed a bottle of white wine and the after-dinner company of friends. Tradition allows us one present before bed...a sweet ornament for the cats and darling monogramed hand towels from my Mom. Climbed into bed smiling and satisfied.
Christmas Day began with coffee and cinnamon rolls. A sweet treat but a delicious and festive one! Taking the day off from regular exercise to stay in jammies, sip mimosas by the tree and enjoy the warm, cozy comfort of the couch. We're heading to a movie matinee and will come home to make another special dinner and watch the Blazers play on T.V. We are going to open a bottle of red wine we received as a gift on our Honeymoon almost 2 years ago!
Christmas Day Dinner:
Half of a Spiral Ham, Sliced Turkey. Green beans with Almond slivers. Braised Brussel Sprouts with Mustard Glaze. Warm Rolls. Baked Sweet potatoes. Homemade Pumpkin Pie with Cream.
I'm enjoying the celebratory time, the excitement, merriment, festivities and food. As this year comes to a close I feel inspired to take time to appreciate every moment as one of celebration, of comfort, of joy.