Running Errands, really!

8:15 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I had the day off work today but had a ton to do around the house getting ready for the Holidays. I woke up refreshed after a full nights rest and made my usually "day-off" breakfast - (toast with some no-sugar peanut butter and a crunchy sliced apple on top and an egg, over-medium, and lots of coffee!) Knowing I needed some extra exercise today (pie is coming) I put on my workout clothes and shoes right away. Feeling good and energized I literally ran out of the house and down the street to pick up one last gift on my list -about a 2 mile jog. With a grocery list a whole page long I had to drive the car to the store. The lot was full and I wasn't in a waiting mood so I parked a block away and enjoyed the walk - counting it as easy cardio:) I never fill up a grocery cart except for at Christmas when I get to toss in all sorts of fun foods! Beets, potatoes, green beans, fresh bread, squash, canned pumpkin, cinnamon sticks, whipped cream, cocoa! I jogged my loaded cart back to car smiling. Unloading was a workout too! By the time I had all my chores done my husband came home and invited me to the gym. Well, since I had my sneakers on already I was ready to go! Ran all my errands and got fit while I did it. Not a bad day!