Splurge Wisely

9:20 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

The holidays only come once a year, but the parties, events and gifts of food never seem to end!

When you get to the table decide what your favorite splurge worthy treats are and what you can leave on the plate. I prepare for a party full of buffet delights by eating a small apple or a few carrots wrapped in sliced turkey before I head out of the house. Your best bet on the festive holiday spread (to avoid the waist-line holiday spread:) are crudites, chicken skewers, cocktail shrimp while avoiding anything greasy of fried. But if you just love those deviled eggs then put two on your plate, move on and don't go back for more. At the risk of sounding like a calorie scrooge I'll admit that I don't think I've ever met a cookie I didn't like. So I will pick the most tempting two and split them each with my husband (or an oblivious stranger) and then I can enjoy them both!

I think the best way to get through the food-laden holidays without needing to take major emergency recovery measures is to -stay on track and stick to your plan. Plans don't have to be rigid, boring, or depriving. Plans allow you to make room for all the good stuff! Always plan to have a healthy breakfast, lots of fresh greens, fruits and veggies with lunch and dinner, mind your portion sizes, drink plenty of water and eat for energy and health - not bordom, stress or because every one else is digging in. On days you've got parties and events to attend - the trick is to plan. And the plan is up to you~ You can treat the holidays like any other day and skip the cakes and cookies entirely, or you can "budget" the calories and try to stay within your range while enjoying a slice of pumpkin pie and a glass of once a year egg-nog. If you do stick too close to the buffet table, or find yourself stuffed with stuffing, I hope you love every bite full! (But don't forget to write it down in your food journal and get back to the gym the next day:)