Taste before posting...
Cozied up in the warm indoors (with the sniffles and plenty of football games) all weekend was the perfect inspiration to bake! After searching the great world-wide recipe book we picked out a simple and not-too-sweet sounding Pumpkin Oatmeal Raisin Cookie and decided to swap and substitute this for that to make it healthy. We layered and bundled up for the short but bone-chilling walk to the grocery. Home again with all our ingredients we fashioned an -I measure, you stir- system and got cooking! "Hmmm, these look kind of funny." But the batter tasted spicy and sweet like a pumpkin pie. After 15 minutes at 400 degrees I was ready for a treat! "Hmmm, these taste kind of...awful." I probably would have eaten them, loving cookies like I do, but I'd have been the only one. Tossing in the towel I gave up on the healthy cookies and let Andrew "fix" the second batch with all the oil, sugar and butter he wanted. Ok, ok! I know it's embarrassing to admit it at all. But now at least he can share with his co-workers and not have to explain my obsession with flax seeds and resosolute avoidance of grease:)It can be done! I won't post that recipe and you'll be glad I didn't. But I'll keep working on it.
Have you had success making healthy holiday cookies? I'd love to try them!