Keep it Movin'

11:17 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I came across this posting on At last months Metabolic Profiling seminar we discussed ways to increase daily movement to get and stay fit and even lose an extra 15lbs per year with simple, easy tips. I think this is a great addition to our recommendations. If you can't cut back on tv time and get outside, pick up a book, visit friends or anything else! - then try this to take back tv time and make it work for you:)

Stay Active in front of the Squawk Box
According to A.C. Nielsen, Americans spend an average of more than four hours a day watching TV. You could either see that number as eight Seinfeld episodes, or as a really big number of potential fitness minutes. Next time you click on your favorite show, instead of plopping on the couch, try some of these conditioning moves.

Divide a single sitcom into three stages of a small workout that provides all three types of fitness conditioning. If you'd like to pay more attention to your show, simply do these during commercial breaks.
Aerobic: Get up at the breaks and alternate between jumping jacks and jogging in place.
Strength: 2 sets of wall sits -try for the whole break! Push-ups, dips, crunches.
Flexibility: Use the final breaks to relax with side and arm stretches, neck relaxers and calf stretches.

Time Involved: 10-30 minutes
Body Benefit: Squeeze in exercise--you'll have more time for other things