What a week!

11:47 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Well, last night I finally lived my dream of being a lingerie model. See, dreams do come true!! Ok, so not exactly my lifelong goal, but it was a challenge and something I've absolutely never done before, or really ever dreamed of doing:) We had a total blast at our annual Girls Night Out at NW Women's Fitness Club. The vendors were so great this year -- Skirt Sports, Aveda, Here We Go Again Consignment, Tamar Mullee ceramics, TotalLiving Coaching , Zale Palmec Jewelery, Oh Baby Lingerie, and MonaVie nutritional juices. It is wonderful to bring members together and introduce new women to the club. We have such a supportive group here - it really feels like a special community. A big Thank YOU to everyone who was there!

I hope you all are enjoying the weekend so far! I was just pooped after last night and slept in, way in, this morning. It's a lovely sun shiny day and we plan to just relax and enjoy ourselves around the house and in the neighborhood.