Thanks, Joy!

9:14 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

The Today's show diet guru Joy Bauer answered watchers diet conundrums on this morning's show. Here are some of the highlight's.

-Edamame is an excellent source of both protein and veggie goodness. She say's these are one of the earth's most healthful veggies. Eat as a snack or side dish or toss in salad and stirfry. I rarely eat these green goodies but I'm going to add them to my grocery list.

-All-natural carbonated flavored water with no sugar and no artificial sweetener is a smart beverage choice! Tasty and satisfying, these drinks can cut your craving for sodas, diet or regular and are better on the body. Just beware the gas bubbles!

-There are no specific foods that boost metabolism! The only way to rev up a sluggish metabolism is by eating frequent small meals and strength training at least two times a week!!

This is all good news:)