Keeping Tip-top while traveling

1:25 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Going for a vacation is hopefully a time to let go of work and routine daily duties to enjoy a more carefree frame of mind. At least that's the idea! For many of us who hit the gym or engage in some kind of physical activity daily it is important to keep up some of our healthy habits even while indulging in the treats of a vacation. The first thing I did to make sure I would be feeling well while I travel was guzzle water the day before the plane trip. The air is so dehydrating it can make anyone feel like a big old prune. I brought apples and oranges in my carry-on to keep from buying overpriced prepackaged airport foods. We were lucky to be staying with our dear friends in the country and I was able to lace up my sneakers each morning and log a few miles while everyone was getting ready for the day. I felt so much better the rest of the day knowing I’d moved my body in a healthy way – and the air in Maine is so fresh and fragrant I ran with a permanent grin. I’ve been trying to sneak in push-ups and sit-ups here and there too. We are staying in the city tonight and will walk to the restaurant and share some amazing local dishes. Sharing meals lets you try lots of things, keep a nice budget and not feel so overloaded before dessert!

Here are some more healthy travel tips for families from Sparkpeople. Com. What are your travel tips?

Healthy Tips for Frequent Flying Families

Despite appearances--a plethora of fast foods, snacks and lots of sitting around--flights and airports offer plenty of nutritious food and opportunity for activity, if you know where to look.
  • Make sure everyone eats a healthy meal before you arrive. You'll be less likely to munch on high-calorie snacks just because they're around or you're bored.
  • If eating in an airport, it's worth it to spend the time searching out healthy foods. Look for salads, fresh fruit, vegetable-based soups, and baked chicken.
  • While trekking through the airport, take every opportunity for extra movement. Use the stairs, pass on the people movers and carry your own luggage.
  • Instead of sitting around before boarding the plane, use the time to walk. You'll arrive early enough to fit in 15-20 minutes of walking, so take advantage of it. After all, you're about to sit for an entire flight.
  • Call the airline 48 hours in advance to see if a meal is offered. Typical in-flight dinners can have as many calories (more than 1,000) as a fast food meal, and even more fat! Special order a diabetic, low-fat, vegetarian, child, or religious meal. Or, pack your own lunches to ensure you all get exactly what you want.
  • Flying can easily dehydrate you, so drink plenty of water. Drinking one cup per hour in-flight will ward off dehydration and jetlag.
  • It's OK to get up and walk through the aisles a few times when you are feeling antsy during a long flight. Allow your kids to do the same (but not so much that it bothers the other passengers).