The Spin Cycle!

9:47 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I teach indoor cycle class every Monday night at Northwest Women's Fitness Club and it's the highlight of my week. Really, I leave feeling amazing every Monday night. What a great way to start the week. Here's some info about indoor cycle for those of you who've haven't tried it yet! I plan a different "ride"every week set to all sorts of motivating tunes. I'll usually design a ride that challenges the heart, body and mind in various ways. For example, some songs are slower and encourage riders to add gear to their bikes and imagine they are climbing a steeper and steeper hill. Then a fast song will follow and we pick up the pace and race! Spin class is a tremendous workout and a fun way to get fit! You are in control of the bike, the difficulty and the speed, I'm here to lead you and encourage you to push those pedals faster and stronger every time. Being in a group setting with pumping music and someone to help keep you focused and sweaty guarentees a super workout. I call it a bigger bang for your time! Spin class is a great opportunity to push yourself safely and see great results. Try it - you'll like it.

Learn the Fitness Class Lingo

When you think about fitness classes, what images come to mind? Do you picture skinny people (leg warmers included) jumping around and kicking their legs to loud music? Although that might have been the case 10 or 20 years ago, the latest trends in classes focus on the mind-body experience, and helping people of all ability levels.

If you considered taking fitness classes at your gym, you probably picked up the schedule, only to find a list of unfamiliar and confusing classes. What does it all mean and how do you decide which class is right for you?

Spinning & Indoor (Group) Cycling
Spinning is an intense cardio workout on a specially designed stationary bike. A certified instructor leads the class, indicating when to adjust your speed and resistance level (making it easier or harder to pedal). Spinning classes are typically set to music and use visualization techniques to enhance the experience.

What are the benefits? This class allows you go at your own pace, and set your own resistance level. There are no complicated moves to learn, so regardless of how fit, flexible, or coordinated you are, you can get a great workout. Cycling is also a low-impact exercise, which is much easier on your joints than other activities such as step aerobics or running.

Exercise Extra: Spinning burns up to 600 calories per hour!