May's menu....

10:13 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

So what’s in season now? The fruits and veggies that grow this time of year are freshest tasting and most loaded with the good-for-you nutrients. This is a great time for leafy greens.

Find out when your favorite fruits and vegetables are in season and at their peak of flavor (and usually at their lowest price); or, discover new fruits and vegetables that are in season and ready to eat now.

Here’s an alphabetical list of the NW’s current seasonal stars!

Arugala, chard, collard greens, edible flowers, fava beans, fennel, fiddle heads, kale, lettuce, mint, mushrooms, nettles, oregano, parsel, pea greens, raddiccio, radish, scallions. Spinach, sorrel, stinging nettles, thyme, watercress