Mini-er Meals

9:28 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

During my recent trip home to Maine I had a personal nutritional realization. I would consider myself a healthy eater, even a very healthy eater. I always have breakfast and eat more vegetables than my husband can believe. I enjoy dark chocolate daily but rarely dessert. I look menus up online before going out to eat and always have apples and nuts handy for snacks. I didn't think my "diet" could get much better. And it's true - the contents of my diet are impeccable, it's the timing that's off! While I was traveling I rarely sat down for a major meal. Instead we had a small breakfast before heading out for the day, a mid-morning snack, a light lunch later in the day that we shared to savor the special treats of home. I had a couple fried clams, a few bite of a lobster roll and a few spoonfuls of homemade ice cream. I was completely satisfied and never stuffed! Back at home and work I tend to eat a large meal and then it's go, go, go until my next big meal. I don't have much time during my breaks to eat so food it gobbled down so fast I hardly taste it. I have those good snacks in between but I'd still find myself ravenous and shoveling my food and feeling bloated and tired. I don't like feeling like this! I realized over my vacation that I don't have to. The day after I returned I went grocery shopping and stocked up on fruits and veggies that I immediately washed and chopped up for fruit salad and crudites. Now I try to start the day with a small serving of fruit salad, then two hours later and apple and coffee, then toast with peanut butter and an egg, another snack, half of a sandwich for lunch, another snack and a smaller dinner. Eating this way seems to keep my energy up and my tummy a bit tighter. It feels better. I can't always get my diet to look like this but on the days that I do I can tell a real difference. My goal for the Summer is to try and have more days like this. I have a feeling my bikini will thank me.