A little focus, please.

10:31 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 1 Comments

Healthy living isn't a start and stop, now and then, kind of thing. It's an always and forever way of life, a constantly undulating wave. Sometimes we are better at the practice than others. It's been well over a month since I had my big revelation that what and how I was eating, although seemingly very healthy, wasn't doing all that much for my mood or performance. I was often sluggish and cranky, bloated and constantly craving something, almost anything, but mostly chocolate or sweets. I would have a piece of dark chocolate after lunch. I told myself that it was good for me and it could have been. But then I 'needed' more before a workout and then after dinner. What was supposed to be a nice little daily treat became an unruly and insatiable urge. The chocolate had me under it's control. I drank alot of 'zero' calorie juices and chewed alot of 'sugar-free' gum. I couldn't understand why when I ate such nutritious meals and didn't drink soda or white breads, cakes or cookies did I feel so uncomfy in my body. And then, revelation time! After spending time with leading nutritionists and exercise experts I gladly rethought my daily routine. I didn't need to change much but a few little tweeks made a HUGE difference. I quit the gum and the diet drinks. I took more time to eat! I chewed more slowly and deliberately. I ate more at breakfast and less at night. In addition I spent a week giving my poor digestive system a rest from sugar, dairy, alcohol, red meat and too many grains. I paid attention to what made me feel good and what didn't. Finally, miraculously, I was free and I was me again! My belly was calmer and flatter. My energy was soaring both at work and at play. I even think I was a little nicer:)

I'm writing this now to remind myself that we must keep mindful of our health and our lifestyles. Einstein said, "the unexamined life is not worth living." It's Sunday night and I feel a familiar discomfort. I let my mind wander. I finished my dinner tonight faster than my husband. I found myself picking and poking around the kitchen all weekend. I realized that I lost my focus. I just didn't give my mind and body the healthy attention it deserved. It started at the beginning of the week and it ends now. I will not feel guilty. I will not beat myself up. No one should do that to anyone and especially not to themselves! Tomorrow morning I'm going to make a yummy breakfast and I'm going to sit down and eat slowly. I'm going to hydrate. I'm going to act with intention. I'm going to remember how good I feel and look when I treat my body right.

We are all students, learning how to create the very best versions of ourselves. It is easy for days, weeks, even longer pass without paying much attention to how we are feeling inside. Health comes from within. Cultivate it. Take the time to listen to your body it can teach you a lot.

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder, Remy. This is indeed a full-time job. Learning how to be still is a huge challenge. Diet and exercise make a difference certainly; so does a less tangible piece, spirit - that indescribable delight in where and who you are while you do what you do, run or bike or hike or eat or read or .... Such moments of transcendence aren't so reproducible as the great salad the day before. Aye, there's the rub!
