Ready to RELAX!

5:10 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 1 Comments

Truth is I don't slow down all that often. It isn't very easy for me. I'm often possessed by the urge to do, move, do, more. Sunny Summer Sundays are the worse. I 'know' it's a day to read outside, relax around the house, chill! But, I often felt like there 'must be something I'm supposed to be doing!' I decided over a Summer of this feeling that I didn't like it. I wanted to be able to put my feet up, like my husband, watch some t.v. and feel good about it. I'll admit that it takes practice. Like most things we aren't accustomed to doing. I often advice clients trying to eat better or get to the gym more that it take practice, repeated practice to make any new habit stick. So, I'm trying too. Practicing taking a rest when I need it, when I want it, and letting that be o.k.

Tonight, I planned on racing my bike at Alpenrose in the last 'date night at the dairy' cyclocross competition. I've been to all Wednesday races but one. It's loads of fun! I usually come home form work on Wed. afternoon and have lunch and a nap before gearing up to go race at 6pm. This has been my first season racing and I am hooked! I've competed in 12 races since September! This weekend was the sloppy-est, mucky-est, muddy-est things I've ever done! I have never had so much fun on a bike. This weekend we are heading out of town to stay overnight in Astoria and race both Saturday and Sunday(in costume).

When my husband came home form work tonight and said he was 'pooped', I felt the same way. We talked over whether we wanted to race or not and if that meant we were lazy, or if we'd be missing out on something. I found myself telling him it didn't really matter. We needed to ask ourselves what we really wanted to do? What decision feels best? When I thought about it, and my busy week and weekend ahead and realized this would be my only evening of 'rest' - I decided that was what I really wanted. Whether it meant I was lazy or not. Whether the race turned out to be the best of the series. Honestly, even as I'm sitting here a little voice puts doubts in my mind. I'm used to that. I'm not used to making a decision like this and whole-heartedly support myself in making it. So, I'm practicing. I'm sharing my feeling here. I'm not being lazy. I'm taking time to do what I really want. I'm going to get some work done. I'm going to shop for costume supplies. I'm going to make homemade pizza and watch a movie. I'm going to enjoy the slow pace of the evening. This means tomorrow before the busyness begins again I can go for a bike ride. And I can go fast if I want to.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you, Remy! Stepping out of that self-imposed box takes an odd kind of courage. The voice will always judge - that's all it knows to do. Let it be. And tomorrow remind yourself of the gift you gave yourself and Andrew. Even cyclo-slugs need a day off, eh?
