Dear Readers,

8:39 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Forgive me for not writing since the Super Bowl. I have hit a bump in the road. Writers Block! I've started and stopped several entries. I want to tell you about my new bike team. I want to describe my slow but rewarding return to training. The amazing women in this season's Healthy Living (Fat Loss) class have sent lots of good article. I want to post them. Last weekend I made banana bread from scratch, no recipe! and it tastes GOOD. If I can remember all the ingredients I put in the bowl I'd love to share it - I think you'll like it!
This year, so far, proves to be as unexpected as all the others. What can we expect, really? Too much and we are disappointed, not enough and we can miss out on the spectacular. The key word I think isn't expectation but rather, intention.

I intend to blog more. I intend to write and share my thoughts and experiences hoping to inspire as many people as possible live beyond their wildest dreams.

Yup. The Winter seems to be slowly fading and I can sense the excitement of Spring. Mountain bike races, triathlon training, golf conditioning clinics and more! Cold weather laziness must be tossed aside with the thick fleecy blankets.

I think it's about time.