DIY Bootcamp

9:29 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 2 Comments

Thursday Thoughts:

Yes! It's officially summertime! Time to get outside and play! (And time to break out the shorts and tank tops:)

Summer can also a very crazy, hectic, busy time of year. Maybe the kids are home from school and you've got vacations planned or out-of-towners staying at your place. How can you possibly keep up with your workouts with everything else going on?! You can. Trust me. But you may have to be inventive. Here's a Do-it-yourself bootcamp routine I use every few days in the summer when I need a kick butt workout in a short amount of time and the treadmill and weight room seem less appealing.

Start with a 3-5 minute run/jog/walk. If you're stuck in a hotel you can jog in place.
Next...Do 45 seconds of each exercise take a 15 second break in between

1. Squats: Keep knees apart and sit way back, lean forward slightly, getting as low as you can with good form. Stand tall and squeeze your buns. Repeat.

2. Push-ups. Keep hands wider than shoulder width apart. Get chest low to ground and push back up. Do this on knees or toes.

3. Bicycle Crunches. Lie on your back and support your head with your hands. Reach left elbow to right knee and extend the left leg. Keep upper body lifted and feet 6 inches off the ground. Switch from side to side.

4. Mountain Climbers. From a pushup position, quickly alternate bringing your knees toward your chest.

5. Traveling lunges. Step forward with one foot, bend knee to 90 degrees while bending back knee toward the ground. Step forward with back leg to move ahead

6. Tricep Push-ups. In pushup position bring hands close together, almost side by side. Bend elbows outward and back to work backs of arms.

7. V-up crunches. Lying on your back, keep legs as straight as possible and lift legs off ground while also lifting upper body in a crunch. Lower and repeat.

8. Jumping Jacks. You know this one! Jump up and reach arms over head while kicking legs out. Repeat!

Jog for another 3-5 mins and repeat the whole circuit. You can do this as many times in a row as you can squeeze into your busy schedule.

This routine will keep your heart-rate up while also building muscle and burning tons of calories!

And it's FUN!

Happy Summer.


  1. Sounds like good 'ole "tabogan"

  2. Toboggan, I mean. Can't spell worth a darn
