Thursday Thoughts (A week late!)

9:28 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Happy Thursday Everyone!

With summer fast, and finally, approaching you'll notice a lot more flyers and posters for outdoor races around town. You can choose from 5k Fun Runs to Triathlons, 10ks and longer endurance races. Run with your dogs, run in costume, run and drink beer! There's a run for everyone! So, why on earth would you want to do something like that?!? Here are five reasons to race this season.

1. Because you CAN. You've been coming to the gym and logging hour long cardio workouts 3 days a week. A 5k won't even take you that long! What have you been hitting that treadmill for anyway? Your legs are strong from lifting weights and doing Zumba why not give them a run for their money. I am continually grateful that I am able to workout hard, to push my body and test my limits. I run because I can and when I'm done it feels so good.

2. It'll keep you MOTIVATED. Have you noticed you've been skipping workouts and sleeping in more lately? You may plan to get outside more now that the weather is nicer and have taken more days of from the gym. If you let this go on and don't actually get out to exercise you may end up losing motivation and fitness over the summer months. By sprinkling in a couple races over the next few months or choosing one big challenge (and registering now) you'll have a goal to work toward. Develop a training plan and you'll have a guaranteed summer routine.

3. To do GOOD. Many runs and races are organized to benefit non-profits and local charities. Races have become fun and effective ways to raise money and awareness for important causes and as community events. While doing your body good you can do your soul some good too by knowing you are helping out.

4. You need a killer WORKOUT. By trying something new you are challenging your body in a new way. By tackling a race like a totally doable 5k (3.1miles) you can push the pace and burn tons of calories! Our bodies become very accustomed to what we throw at them in the gym and on the road. Step up your calorie burn by registering for a race and pushing yourself. If you are a regular walker or jogger being in a race may just give you extra burst to push those legs to the next level. The adrenaline and excitement you feel surrounded by hundreds of speed people will give you a mood boost that can last for days or more!

5. You want to go BIG. Maybe you already signed up for something big this year like your first marathon or triathlon. Races are a wild animal and it can be good to go through the first time jitters with out too much pressure. Registering for a few smaller events like 5 and 10ks you can set yourself up with a highly effective training plan. By running these quicker races you can push the pace and gauge what you need to do to reach your bigger goals. Setting smaller bite-sized goals allows you to feel success that will keep you motivated to reach for more.

Check out the upcoming Summer Solstice 3 or 6 miler coming up Saturday, June 25th at 6pm by following the link below.
This race is perfect for newbies and experienced racers. And you can wear a costume! Fun!

Want to learn to run faster? Here's information on our Speed Training Clinic

And you can register for my personal favorite: the Girlfriends and Dudes sprint Triathlon in July!!

PS> There are still several weeks to train for the triathlon and we'll be doing mini-tri for the follow Saturdays to be sure everyone is ready to finish the race! If you want to join the tri-club for any of these sessions call the club at 503-287-0655 or shoot me an email for more information.

You can do it! Whatever it is you want to CAN do it!