Break through a Plateau

9:16 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Hi Everyone!

I've just returned from a refreshing and rejuvenating road trip through the incredibly scenic Southwestern United States. The mountains and canyons of Utah were absolutely mind-blowing. The long stretches of dessert land through some of Nevada were, well, mind-numbing. Plateaus are like that, flat, dull, boring and seemingly endless. They aren't all that fun to drive through and they are downright maddening to experience in your workouts and weight loss efforts.

Diet and exercise plateaus happen to everyone. The trick is to keep them at bay for as long as possible and get over them fast. If the scale stops moving down, you can't seem to run any farther, or lift any heavier weights and you just aren't seeing the result you want - the dreaded plateau may be upon you. Read on to learn more about why these stalls in fitness occur and what you can do to prevent them from busting your motivation.

When your workouts hit a rut:

1. The honeymoon is over. Basically the excitement of your workout has faded and your body is no longer reved up by what you are doing in the weight room. When you first start a training program your body has to go through a billion little internal reactions, cell growth and change to meet the demands you making. This is why the first few weeks of weight training often produce very visible results. But, that doesn't last for ever. Our very smart bodies are turned on to what we are up to and adapt quickly to our workouts. The 20# dumbbells that buffed up your arms and chest for a few weeks just don't cut it anymore. Our cells and bodies have grown accustomed to the effort and require more to be excited and create the change we want.

Fix it: Remember to gradually and systematically add intensity to your training. Keeping good records of your workout and the weight you are lifting really helps. When you can easily perform 15 reps of one exercise it's time to pick a heavier weight. Have a personal trainer but together a specific workout for your goals and help you stay accountable to up-ing the resistance and intensity of your routine. Doing the same thing over and over will quickly prove ineffective and leave you and your body wanting more.

2. You're getting better. After all this time you're fitter and more efficient. The more miles you run the easier those first few become. You're a better cyclist than you were when you started. As your workouts progress the body gets better and better at running, lifting, swimming, whatever it is you are doing. The more efficient your body the less calories (energy) it requires to do the same thing, run the same distance etc.

Fix it: Switch things up. If you've been logging miles on the track or treadmill all summer long why not try the step climber or sign up for a season of indoor cycle class. Challenge the body even more by trying something you've never done before like surfing or swimming.

3. You've done too much. Over training is a real possibility both for newbies and experienced athletes. The truth is that our bodies change and grow not during our intense efforts but afterward as we rest and recover. Be sure to schedule in rest days along with your workouts. Resting between intense workouts will help ward off burnout and keep you coming back with renewed energy.

When the scale stalls:

1. You aren't eating enough. You're body needs a certain amount of calories to survive. These calories help us perform at our best, make it through tough workouts, build muscle and burn fat. You have to feed your body for it to help you get in better shape. Dropping calories too low may seem like a good weight loss tactic but it will backfire.

Fix it: Try not to create a deficit of more than 300-500 calories a day to keep you energized and your metabolism stoked.

2. You're losing your muscle. If you are lowing calories and aren't getting enough essential nutrients or aren't exercising your body weight may drop but so does your lean muscle mass. It's this lean muscle that powers our metabolism and creates a strong shapely looking physique.

Fix it: Be sure to include lots of fresh fruits and veggies in your diet. Take a good multivitamin. Maintain regular sessions of both cardiovascular exercise as well as strength building workouts while trying to lose fat.

3. You're smaller than before. Well, that was what you we've working so hard for! But, now your smaller body requires less calories to fuel it.

Fix it: Remember to check in a every weight loss milestone to see if you need to adjust your calories intake. Adding strength training or intensifying your weight lifting routine will add more lean muscle mass and in turn cause your body to burn more calories meaning you can eat a little more chocolate:)

Plateaus may be frustrating but they are also a reminder of all the progress and changes you've made and a signal it's time to get excited again!