What's the point?

9:33 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

What’s the Point?

We’ve probably all got a reason or two in our heads about why we should, and do, make it to the gym every week, run 5 miles before breakfast, play soccer on Saturday nights. We do it for our health, our sanity, our family and for fun. But the truth is exercise is hard! Getting up early and working up a sweat moving around for an hour challenges our bodies, minds and our will power. This big reason about why we do this ultimately shines through and we rise to the challenge. But, what about when we consider each workout: Mondays and Sundays and the one after last nights wild dinner party? Why do we bother?! What motivates you today to workout? Every day is new and every workout is different. Paying attention to the importance of each one can drastically improve the successfulness of how you spend time. And that’s important – not wasting time. So, what’s the point?

If muscle strength or cardio endurance is your goal than you’ve got to push it sometimes. Get comfortable with getting uncomfortable. Stay focused on your workout and your muscles. Avoid zoning out syndrome. Every time to reach a little further you’ll take your body to a higher level of fitness. Don’t stand around waiting for the change –work for it.

If you need some serious stress relief. You can make a world of difference in your mood in just ten minutes. You may not feel up to it but exercise can change your mind! A brisk meditative walk around the block may be just what you need. If you’re feeling amped with energy and about to explode try interval training. Bring on the endorphins!

If you’re on a mission to shed fat and lose weight it’s going to take some work. And not all of it at the gym. But, adding time or intensity to your workouts will increase your calorie burn. Visual the body you want. Live into the new you. Stand up tall and act like you are already at your goal. Don’t wait.

If you think you ‘should’ workout but can’t seem to motivate yourself. Don’t waste time feeling guilty about not giving your hardest effort today. Ask your body what it needs. Rest is just as important as the work we do. Beating a cold or feeling exhausted may require a run in the park or a movie on the couch. Whatever you choose have confidence in your decision.

All of us have different health and fitness goals. Pay attention to the big picture and let that guide you. Everyday bring that attention and intention to what you do. Having a map helps us get to where we going with out spending hours going the wrong way. Maintain focus on what you need and want out of your workout ‘today’ and follow some of the steps above to help you get there.