Thanksgiving with the health nut

5:45 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I spent the holidays in grand fashion this year. I don't think I've ever sat at a table with that many family members! Growing up as an only child, holidays were relatively small, usually just three of us and maybe a Auntie or two. This year A. and I spent a few days in Salt Lake City with my aunt, uncle, 2 cousins, mom, 98 year old grandpa, and nearly a dozen other friends and family from Utah. So cool! One afternoon after a nice jog to the park I drifted off napping on the couch. The sounds of my family laughing and talking in the kitchen filled my heart with more peace and love I though it could contain. A delicious, fat-free moment that represents what the holidays are really about.

We ate and drank all the wonderful foods we always have at Thanksgiving: turkey, stuffing, yams, brussel sprouts, and cranberry sauce. My Mommy even whipped up her 'famous' green bean casserole and homemade cranberry jelly - Thanks, Mom! As the family health nut I felt it my duty to provide a splendid veggie dish, surprisingly healthy without the holiday heft of butter and sugar. Success! My roasted treats were a hit!

Do it yourself. Easy-peasy.

Cauliflower with onions spiced with dried mustard and curry. Roast at 425 for 40 minutes.
Butternut squash with shallots spiced with rosemary, cumin and cinnamon. Same thing.

Happy Holidays!