
12:47 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

This year I decided to set just one resolution. And it's a bit different than in years past. I can not fail. I will not give up in two months. There are only benefits, no drawbacks, no guilt trips. But, it's a tough one. I have work to do.

This is it: Think more positively.

Most of you who know me, might be surprised to hear that positive thinking is my new year's resolution. In fact, I've mentioned this mission to a few of you and have heard, "But, you are so positive already!" Yes, I am. To you. It's my job, my career and life's work, to uplift, motivate and help you make both mind and body even better.

The more consistent I am at doing this, thinking good thoughts, the more happiness and hope I can share.

This is what I want for us, a healthy, happy, body and mind.

Over the weekend, I read the results of a new study on DNA that looked at how the effect of spoken works and affirmations effects our internal systems. The results reinforce the idea that the positivity we share with ourselves and with others has a direct impact on our DNA - the very stuff that brings us to life.

This year, it is my hope that our words, thoughts and actions are more positive than negative, more uplifting, less destructive.  I hope you start the year with good words to yourself, you are worth the effort, you are capable of big change, you can make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you. Let's make it happen.

Manifest the Best.